What is Rise 1000x?

- Rise 1000x is the Black Youth Success Movement.

- We are a member-driven organization that promotes, supports, and celebrates Black Youth Success

- Our mission is to ensure all Black Students achieve reading proficiency and achieve their full potential in academics and careers

- We are working to achieve equity in education for all students

- Rise 1000x is a chapter-based organization where each chapter is empowered to help Black Students in their community achieve academic success

Can non-Black Students participate?

- All students are welcome

- Our strategy is for the Black Community to demonstrate a solution that solves the reading crisis and have Black Students lead the way to solve the crisis nationwide for all students

- We believe this process will help to establish intellectual and educational equity and respect

- We believe the success will also open up the educational system to a better better approach to help all students succeed

Why is there a need for Rise 1000x?

- The current system and approach are clearly not working for most students

- Black Students face a significant academic performance bias

- Only 16% of Black 4th grade students scored proficient on the 2022 NAEP reading assessment compared to 41% for White 4th grade students

- Public education cannot focus on providing anything special to one ethnic group vs. another despite the need

- A community approach with families is the only approach to meet the needs of the majority of Black Students

- This is a long-standing failure

- More information, rise1000x.org/program.

- Reading proficiency scores have stagnated and gone down during the pandemic response

- More of the same is not working and waiting for the system to address the need is not working

Why is the current system failing most students?

- Learning to read proficiently requires the development of a broad range of skills

- Most students have a skill gap which the current system does not address adequately

- Until the system recognizes the full range of skill development required and meets the needs of each student holistically, failure will continue

Will we work with schools?

- Yes, but only if the school will provide adequate support and flexibility

- We are currently developing more data to overcome barriers to the acceptance of our approach in schools.

Why are academic scores in the current system negatively biased against Children of Color and Children experiencing poverty?

- On average, Students of Color and Students experiencing poverty face a greater range and intensity of early childhood stressors which negatively impact school readiness

- Families, on average, don’t have adequate resources to provide their children with the developmental experiences that prepare students to do well in school

- Because of the added stressors and limited resources, a greater percentage of Children of Color and Children experiencing poverty enter school with a skill gap. This makes learning in the current system more challenging

Why does the Rise 1000x approach work better than the traditional approach?

- Our approach is holistic and provides a broader range of training experiences that help to close the Skill Gap

- The current approach only addresses a narrow range of skills. This approach works for students who have sufficient foundational skills

- Traditional schooling does not adequately work for students who have a skill gap.

Why focus on reading success?

- Reading proficiency is foundational to academic and career success

- Studies show that students who are not proficient in reading by 4th grade are significantly more likely to underperform academically, drop out of school, require public assistance, or face incarceration

What ages does the Movement serve?

- Our focus is grades K-3 to ensure students achieve reading proficiency by the end of 3rd grade to avoid frustration and remediation

- Our approach can also work for students in 4th grade and above, including adults, to help them close the Skill Gap

- However, older students who struggle have learned how to compensate and carry the burden of their struggle which impacts mindset

- More work must be done to evaluate and address the causes, correct compensation strategies, and create the proper mindset so the training can work effectively

What does the Movement do besides help students achieve reading success?

- There is a long list of learning experiences we work to provide though each village that helps build a well-rounded skill set

- We focus on skill development

- We work to empower each student to have a growth mindset, strong social emotional skills, and access to resources

- We work to ensure students and their families meet there basic needs and know how to connect to resources

- We build community to foster purpose-driven communication that connects members to one another and to resources

How is the Rise 1000x different from existing organizations or efforts?

- We work to connect families and students to organizations as appropriate to effectively meet their needs

- We try to avoid duplicating resources, but we help to enhance the effectiveness of utilization

- We offer a proven set of tools that help to solve the reading crisis which no other program has been able to do to date

How do existing programs fit into the Movement?

- We do not compete with existing programs that provide services and programs to our target market

- The Village works to connect members to local resources and partner with local programs

What is the cost?

- We do not wish for cost to be a barrier

- The basic program cost is about $100 per student per year of training

- However, there is significant effort that goes into organizing each village and working with families

- The cost depends upon the mix of volunteers and paid staff

- We also may need incentives to motivate students and recognize success

- The type of incentives and costs may vary by community

- We also want to host regular meetings but can only do so based upon availability of resources

- We also want to help families meet basic needs as appropriate

- So, the total cost per student can range from $500 to over $1,000 depending upon the situation

- We will provide what we can based upon availability of resources

Where are you going to get the funding to carry out the mission?

- There is a lot we can do based upon a volunteer model with limited funding

- As we grow, recruit more endorsements, create more partnerships, demonstrate success, we believe we can raise significant donations and grants to fund the Movement

- We will also work to create youth-driven businesses to help provide funding

- Once we have more data, we believe that more schools will want to participate

What does the Program do?

- We provide a platform to organize and educate families and communities and guide them to solving the education gap for Black Students

- We provide a set of proven online training tools that can help most every student achieve reading proficiency and significantly improve cognitive skill processing

- We help to connect families and students to community resources

- Through Villages, we work to provide a broad range of experiences to students to build a more complete skill set

- Mindset skills

- Cognitive processing skills

- Reading skills

How is the Movement organized?

- We have a national organization based in Akron, Ohio.

- We are working to establish Chapters in every community

- Within each chapter, we organize by smaller villages which are typically based upon the boundaries of elementary schools in the area

- A Village can also be based upon an existing community organization service area

- Villages are established and run by residents

- Village leaders recruit Family Ambassadors to engage and support participating families

- Ideally each family would interact with local resources

- However, it will take time to create enough chapters and villages

- As we recruit enough volunteers and build resources to hire staff, we will interact remotely with families wishing to participate where there is no village yet

What can I do to help?

  1. Join

    -Add your voice to the Movement

    -Keep track of progress and look for opportunities to help

  2. Spread the word

    -Post information about the Movement on your social media

    -Reach out to people and organizations you think could benefit from or help the Movement

  3. Support


    -Buy a shirt or other wearable item

    -Help us connect to organizations you know who might support the Movement

    -Help us write grants

  4. Participate


    -Have your children or children you know participate in the Movement

    -Build a Chapter or Village in your community

How is “Rise 1000x pronounced?

- “Rise a thousand times”

What does “Rise 1000x mean?

The song “Rise Up” by Audra Day, is an inspirational song about never giving up. The chorus says “ I will rise a thousand times again and again. We want to empower our children and their families to  continually rise up and overcome life’s obstacles.

What is Rise 1000x?

- Rise 1000x is the Black Youth Success Movement.

- We are a member-driven organization that promotes, supports, and celebrates Black Youth Success

- Our mission is to ensure all Black Students achieve reading proficiency and achieve their full potential in academics and careers

- We are working to achieve equity in education for all students

- Rise 1000x is a chapter-based organization where each chapter is empowered to help Black Students in their community achieve academic success

Can non-Black Students participate?

- All students are welcome

- Our strategy is for the Black Community to demonstrate a solution that solves the reading crisis and have Black Students lead the way to solve the crisis nationwide for all students

- We believe this process will help to establish intellectual and educational equity and respect

- We believe the success will also open up the educational system to a better better approach to help all students succeed

Why is there a need for Rise 1000x?

- The current system and approach are clearly not working for most students

- Black Students face a significant academic performance bias

- Only 16% of Black 4th grade students scored proficient on the 2022 NAEP reading assessment compared to 41% for White 4th grade students

- Public education cannot focus on providing anything special to one ethnic group vs. another despite the need

- A community approach with families is the only approach to meet the needs of the majority of Black Students

- This is a long-standing failure

- More information, rise1000x.org/program.

- Reading proficiency scores have stagnated and gone down during the pandemic response

- More of the same is not working and waiting for the system to address the need is not working

Why is the current system failing most students?

- Learning to read proficiently requires the development of a broad range of skills

- Most students have a skill gap which the current system does not address adequately

- Until the system recognizes the full range of skill development required and meets the needs of each student holistically, failure will continue

Will we work with schools?

- Yes, but only if the school will provide adequate support and flexibility

- We are currently developing more data to overcome barriers to the acceptance of our approach in schools.

Why are academic scores in the current system negatively biased against Children of Color and Children experiencing poverty?

- On average, Students of Color and Students experiencing poverty face a greater range and intensity of early childhood stressors which negatively impact school readiness

- Families, on average, don’t have adequate resources to provide their children with the developmental experiences that prepare students to do well in school

- Because of the added stressors and limited resources, a greater percentage of Children of Color and Children experiencing poverty enter school with a skill gap. This makes learning in the current system more challenging

Why does the Rise 1000x approach work better than the traditional approach?

- Our approach is holistic and provides a broader range of training experiences that help to close the Skill Gap

- The current approach only addresses a narrow range of skills. This approach works for students who have sufficient foundational skills

- Traditional schooling does not adequately work for students who have a skill gap.

Why focus on reading success?

- Reading proficiency is foundational to academic and career success

- Studies show that students who are not proficient in reading by 4th grade are significantly more likely to underperform academically, drop out of school, require public assistance, or face incarceration

What ages does the Movement serve?

- Our focus is grades K-3 to ensure students achieve reading proficiency by the end of 3rd grade to avoid frustration and remediation

- Our approach can also work for students in 4th grade and above, including adults, to help them close the Skill Gap

- However, older students who struggle have learned how to compensate and carry the burden of their struggle which impacts mindset

- More work must be done to evaluate and address the causes, correct compensation strategies, and create the proper mindset so the training can work effectively

What does the Movement do besides help students achieve reading success?

- There is a long list of learning experiences we work to provide though each village that helps build a well-rounded skill set

- We focus on skill development

- We work to empower each student to have a growth mindset, strong social emotional skills, and access to resources

- We work to ensure students and their families meet there basic needs and know how to connect to resources

- We build community to foster purpose-driven communication that connects members to one another and to resources

How is the Rise 1000x different from existing organizations or efforts?

- We work to connect families and students to organizations as appropriate to effectively meet their needs

- We try to avoid duplicating resources, but we help to enhance the effectiveness of utilization

- We offer a proven set of tools that help to solve the reading crisis which no other program has been able to do to date

How do existing programs fit into the Movement?

- We do not compete with existing programs that provide services and programs to our target market

- The Village works to connect members to local resources and partner with local programs

What is the cost?

- We do not wish for cost to be a barrier

- The basic program cost is about $100 per student per year of training

- However, there is significant effort that goes into organizing each village and working with families

- The cost depends upon the mix of volunteers and paid staff

- We also may need incentives to motivate students and recognize success

- The type of incentives and costs may vary by community

- We also want to host regular meetings but can only do so based upon availability of resources

- We also want to help families meet basic needs as appropriate

- So, the total cost per student can range from $500 to over $1,000 depending upon the situation

- We will provide what we can based upon availability of resources

Where are you going to get the funding to carry out the mission?

- There is a lot we can do based upon a volunteer model with limited funding

- As we grow, recruit more endorsements, create more partnerships, demonstrate success, we believe we can raise significant donations and grants to fund the Movement

- We will also work to create youth-driven businesses to help provide funding

- Once we have more data, we believe that more schools will want to participate

What does the Program do?

- We provide a platform to organize and educate families and communities and guide them to solving the education gap for Black Students

- We provide a set of proven online training tools that can help most every student achieve reading proficiency and significantly improve cognitive skill processing

- We help to connect families and students to community resources

- Through Villages, we work to provide a broad range of experiences to students to build a more complete skill set

- Mindset skills

- Cognitive processing skills

- Reading skills

How is the Movement organized?

- We have a national organization based in Akron, Ohio.

- We are working to establish Chapters in every community

- Within each chapter, we organize by smaller villages which are typically based upon the boundaries of elementary schools in the area

- A Village can also be based upon an existing community organization service area

- Villages are established and run by residents

- Village leaders recruit Family Ambassadors to engage and support participating families

- Ideally each family would interact with local resources

- However, it will take time to create enough chapters and villages

- As we recruit enough volunteers and build resources to hire staff, we will interact remotely with families wishing to participate where there is no village yet

What can I do to help?

  1. Join

    -Add your voice to the Movement

    -Keep track of progress and look for opportunities to help

  2. Spread the word

    -Post information about the Movement on your social media

    -Reach out to people and organizations you think could benefit from or help the Movement

  3. Support


    -Buy a shirt or other wearable item

    -Help us connect to organizations you know who might support the Movement

    -Help us write grants

  4. Participate


    -Have your children or children you know participate in the Movement

    -Build a Chapter or Village in your community

How is “Rise 1000x pronounced?

- “Rise a thousand times”

What does “Rise 1000x mean?

The song “Rise Up” by Audra Day, is an inspirational song about never giving up. The chorus says “ I will rise a thousand times again and again. We want to empower our children and their families to  continually rise up and overcome life’s obstacles.

The Black Youth Success Movement operates under Success4rkids, a 501c3 nonprofit based in Akron, Ohio. Although we focus on uplifting Black Youth, all youth are welcome. Imagine if all Black Youth achieved their full potential, created educational equity and led the nation in solving the reading crisis for all students.

Copyright 2025 . Rise1000x All rights reserved

The Black Youth Success Movement operates under Success4rkids, a 501c3 nonprofit based in Akron, Ohio. Although we focus on uplifting Black Youth, all youth are welcome. Imagine if all Black Youth achieved their full potential, created educational equity and led the nation in solving the reading crisis for all students.

Copyright 2025 . Rise1000x All rights reserved