Family Orientation

What does a parent need to know to get started?

There are the philosophical elements and the practical elements.

We know that if reading success and education is not a priority, that makes it very difficult for a student to succeed.

If a student doesn't want to succeed, they likely won't.

So families need to understand concepts like mindset and social emotional learning.

We know that a student needs to build a certain set of skills to succeed.

If they lack any skills, or any skills are weak, that can make learning harder and slower.

This is known as the Skill Gap.

Students who struggle have a Skill Gap.

The practical solution is to identify any Skill Gaps and do the training necessary to strengthen those skills to empower success.

How we identify the Skill Gap and what training is done depends upon the age of the student.

There are three stages of development:


Grades K-3

Grades 4-12

If an adult continues to struggle with learning, the same training principles can help them to catch up and thrive also.

The solution:

Do the training necessary to build a strong skill set.

We provide parents with guidance and access to online tools that can help each student build a strong set of skills.

Below are a series of links to PowerPoint Presentations that go into more details on the skills and the training. Over time we will build videos to make it easier to learn this information. Please review the materials as best you can.

Next step is to connect you with a Family Ambassador to help guide you on this journey to success.

Ideally, a family can be part of a local village where they can interact with a Family Ambassador locally. If a local village is not set up yet, we will work to connect a family to a virtual Family Ambassador. We have limited resources so that may take time. A family can also help to build a local village to serve their children and others in their neighborhood.

In the interim, there are many things a family can begin doing with their children at no cost. These activities are easy to do and should be part of every day to help build the foundational skills of your children.

What parents can do at home

Step 1. Review the information on the New Member Orientation page

Step 2. Review summary on things parents can do at home now with little or no cost to help build strong skills--Summary

Step 3. Review the Skill Scan Summary

Step 4. Review the Skill Gap Model Presentation

Step 5. Review the Homelife Survey

Step 6. Review information on Mindset, Social and Emotional Intelligence, and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Mindset Presentation

Social and Emotional Survey Instrument

Step 7. Review the Visual Processing Presentation

Step 8. Review the Reading Kingdom Presentation

Step 9. Review the Gibson Test Presentation

Step 10. Review the BrainSkills Presentation

Connect with your Family Ambassador.

Ensure student is able to train at home or at a community after-school program.

Set up a Reading Kingdom account.

Complete the Reading Kingdom placement assessment.

As appropriate complete Reading Kingdom.

If a student is in 3rd grade or above and struggles with reading:

Complete the Gibson Test.

Complete the Visual Processing Evaluation.

Complete the Brain Training Program as appropriate.

The Black Youth Success Movement operates under Success4rkids, a 501c3 nonprofit based in Akron, Ohio. Although we focus on uplifting Black Youth, all youth are welcome. Imagine if all Black Youth achieved their full potential, created educational equity and led the nation in solving the reading crisis for all students.

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